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First page of the PDF file: LunchSperoLowerUpperECCAlphaPennAugust24
Spero Lower, Upper, Alpha, Penn Breakfast August 24
First page of the PDF file: SperoLowerUpperAlphaPennbreakfastAugust24
Middle School, Pathways, Hills, Trinity, Shidler Breakfast August 24
First page of the PDF file: SantaFeSouthMiddleSchoolPathwaysHillsTrinityShidlerBreakfastAugust24
Grab and Go Middle School West, Middle School, High School, Pathways August 24
First page of the PDF file: GrabandGoMiddleSchoolWestMiddleSchoolHighSchoolPathwaysAugust24
Middle School, High School, Pathways, Hills, Trinity, Shidler Lunch August 24
First page of the PDF file: MiddleSchoolHighSchoolPathwaysHillsTrinityShidlerLunchAugust24
High School Breakfast August 24
First page of the PDF file: HighSchoolBreakfastAugust24
ECC Breakfast August 24
First page of the PDF file: ECCBreakfastAugust24